53 research outputs found

    Extra-large crystal emulsion detectors for future large-scale experiments

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    Photographic emulsion is a particle tracking device which features the best spatial resolution among particle detectors. For certain applications, for example muon radiography, large-scale detectors are required. Therefore, a huge surface has to be analyzed by means of automated optical microscopes. An improvement of the readout speed is then a crucial point to make these applications possible and the availability of a new type of photographic emulsions featuring crystals of larger size is a way to pursue this program. This would allow a lower magnification for the microscopes, a consequent larger field of view resulting in a faster data analysis. In this framework, we developed new kinds of emulsion detectors with a crystal size of 600-1000 nm, namely 3-5 times larger than conventional ones, allowing a 25 times faster data readout. The new photographic emulsions have shown a sufficient sensitivity and a good signal to noise ratio. The proposed development opens the way to future large-scale applications of the technology, e.g. 3D imaging of glacier bedrocks or future neutrino experiments.Comment: Version accepted for publication in JINS

    Nuclear emulsions for the detection of micrometric-scale fringe patterns: an application to positron interferometry

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    Nuclear emulsions are capable of very high position resolution in the detection of ionizing particles. This feature can be exploited to directly resolve the micrometric-scale fringe pattern produced by a matter-wave interferometer for low energy positrons (in the 10-20 keV range). We have tested the performance of emulsion films in this specific scenario. Exploiting silicon nitride diffraction gratings as absorption masks, we produced periodic patterns with features comparable to the expected interferometer signal. Test samples with periodicities of 6, 7 and 20 {\mu}m were exposed to the positron beam, and the patterns clearly reconstructed. Our results support the feasibility of matter-wave interferometry experiments with positrons.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figure

    Вогнева підготовка: проблематика та шляхи вирішення під час дистанційного навчання в умовах воєнного стану

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    Владимиров М. В. Вогнева підготовка: проблематика та шляхи вирішення під час дистанційного навчання в умовах воєнного стану / М. В. Владимиров // Підготовка правоохоронців в системі МВС України в умовах воєнного стану : зб. наук. пр. (м. Харків, 26 трав. 2022 р.) / МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ, Каф. тактич. та спец. фізич. підготовки ф-ту № 3, Наук. парк «Наука та безпека». – Харків : ХНУВС, 2022. - С. 174-175.Розглянуті питання подальшого якісного навчання правоохоронців дисципліні вогнева підготовка у навчальних закладах зі специфічними умовами навчання системи МВС, а саме набуття ними практичних навичок.The issues of further high-quality training of law enforcement officers in the discipline of fire training in educational institutions with specific training conditions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, namely the acquisition of practical skills by them, are considered.Рассмотрены вопросы дальнейшего качественного обучения правоохранителей дисциплине огневая подготовка в учебных заведениях со специфическими условиями обучения системы МВД, а именно приобретение ими практических навыков

    Стрілецький спорт, як невід’ємна частка професійної діяльності поліцейського

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    Владимиров М. В. Стрілецький спорт, як невід’ємна частка професійної діяльності поліцейського / М. В. Владимиров // Шлях успіху і перспективи розвитку (до 26 річниці заснування Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ) : матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Харків, 20 листоп. 2020 р.) / редкол.: Д. В. Швець (голова), О. М. Бандурка, С. М. Гусаров та ін. ; МВС України, Харків. нац. ун-т внутр. справ. - Харків : ХНУВС, 2020.- С. 111.Професійна підготовка, яка проводиться регулярно, спрямована на підтримання знань та навичок поводження із вогнепальною зброєю із подальшою здачею заліків. Зауважено, що в подальшому такі слова, як точність, швидкість, безпечність будуть закріплені на практиці під час проведення змагань з практичної стрільби серед поліцейських Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. Профессиональная подготовка, проводимая регулярно, направлена на поддержание знаний и навыков обращения с огнестрельным оружием с последующей сдачей зачетов. Замечено, что в дальнейшем такие слова как точность, скорость, безопасность будут закреплены на практике во время проведения соревнований по практической стрельбе среди полицейских Харьковского национального университета внутренних дел. Vocational training, conducted on a regular basis, aims to maintain knowledge and skills in the handling of firearms with the subsequent passing of tests. It is noted that in the future such words as accuracy, speed, safety will be fixed in practice during practical shooting competitions among policemen of the Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


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    The results of studies of the effectiveness of physiotherapy treatment of type 2 diabetes based on a systematic approach, stimulating the pancreas by mahnitolazero ultrasound therapy and physical therapy correction depressive disorder, while the application miсropolarization cortex at frequencies of alpha rhythm and nasal breathing singlet-oxygen mixture, are presented.Представлены результаты исследования эффективности физиотерапевтического лечения больных сахарным диабетом 2 типа на основе системного подхода: стимулирование работы поджелудочной железы методом магнитолазерультразвуковой терапии и физиотерапевтической коррекции депрессивного расстройства при одновременном применении микрополяризации коры головного мозга на частотах альфа-ритма и эндоназального дыхания синглетно-кислородной смеси.Представлені результати дослідження ефективності фізіотерапевтичного лікування хворих на цукровий діабет 2 типу на основі системного підходу: стимулювання роботи підшлункової залози методом магнітолазероультразвукової терапії та фізіотерапевтичної корекції депресивного розладу при одночасному застосуванні мікрополяризації кори головного мозку на частотах альфа-ритму та ендоназального дихання синглетно-кисневої суміші

    The Continuous Motion Technique for a New Generation of Scanning Systems

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    In the present paper we report the development of the Continuous Motion scanning technique and its implementation for a new generation of scanning systems. The same hardware setup has demonstrated a significant boost in the scanning speed, reaching 190 cm2/h. The implementation of the Continuous Motion technique in the LASSO framework, as well as a number of new corrections introduced are described in details. The performance of the system, the results of an efficiency measurement and potential applications of the technique are discussed

    VE-cadherin in arachnoid and pia mater cells serves as a suitable landmark for in vivo imaging of CNS immune surveillance and inflammation.

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    Meninges cover the surface of the brain and spinal cord and contribute to protection and immune surveillance of the central nervous system (CNS). How the meningeal layers establish CNS compartments with different accessibility to immune cells and immune mediators is, however, not well understood. Here, using 2-photon imaging in female transgenic reporter mice, we describe VE-cadherin at intercellular junctions of arachnoid and pia mater cells that form the leptomeninges and border the subarachnoid space (SAS) filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). VE-cadherin expression also marked a layer of Prox1+ cells located within the arachnoid beneath and separate from E-cadherin+ arachnoid barrier cells. In vivo imaging of the spinal cord and brain in female VE-cadherin-GFP reporter mice allowed for direct observation of accessibility of CSF derived tracers and T cells into the SAS bordered by the arachnoid and pia mater during health and neuroinflammation, and detection of volume changes of the SAS during CNS pathology. Together, the findings identified VE-cadherin as an informative landmark for in vivo imaging of the leptomeninges that can be used to visualize the borders of the SAS and thus potential barrier properties of the leptomeninges in controlling access of immune mediators and immune cells into the CNS during health and neuroinflammation

    Features of Application of the Optimized Physical Rehabilitation Program in Patients with Coronary Heart Disease

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    Multisymptomatic coronary heart disease (CHD) remains a leading problem in cardiology. A person’s ability to perform physical work determines their quality of life, especially in patients with existing symptoms of damage to the cardiovascular system. The most advanced approach in the physical rehabilitation of patients with CHD is the use of ergometric testing indicators. The aim. To study the influence of the developed method of cycling training on the indicators of cardiopulmonary exercise (CPX) in patients with CHD. Materials and methods. We examined 65 men with CHD, I-II functional class stable angina pectoris, mean age 44.6 ± 1.39 years (from 32 to 60 years). The diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical findings, electrocardiography and laboratory examination according to the generally accepted criteria of the European Society of Cardiology. Results. The treatment results were evaluated two weeks after the completion of the physical rehabilitation program. Qualitative assessment was performed by using the CPX test with the recording of cardiac bioelectric potentials from 12 leads. The criteria for discontinuation of the test were generally accepted provisions based on WHO recommendations. While developing a physical rehabilitation program and predicting the timing of a functional recovery, several factors have to be taken into account that significantly affect the patient’s motor activity and determine the pace and outcome of the rehabilitation process as a whole. Long-term, regular physical activity in patients with CHD with limited coronary reserve have an impact on the mechanisms of cardiac function regulation, synchronization and optimization of the activity of the muscular, cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Systematic training sessions reduce the volume of drug therapy and can improve the patients’ quality of life. Conclusions. The use of the proposed individualized uniform interval cycling training combined with the intake of citrulline malate leads to a significant improvement in the achieved load capacity, heart rate, duration of work, total volume of completed work, inotropic reserve index, optimization of coronary blood circulation and improvement of bioenergy metabolism in the myocardium